Saturday, October 12, 2013


Been off the blog scene recently, as I decided to pick up and move to the other side of Mingus Mountain.  While I have found gainful employment (in the same field as before), the housing situation has not settled just yet.  Luckily I have some good family who's allowed me a room for the interim.

Naturally this minor disarray has caused me to neglect my writing, for which I am both appalled and appreciative.  Appalled, as I shouldn't let the minutiae of life get in the way of creativity; appreciative, in that it pulls me away from the product long enough that I'll be able to reread it with less enamored eyes.

I'm also somewhat uncertain about my general overall feeling - that there isn't a great urgency to get the work finished - and yet I know there is no time frame for completing it.  Should I create one?

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